Distinction of Deviation, EP3: How can event leaders and organizers make POCs in kink feel welcomed at events and gatherings?

Distinction of Deviation, EP3: How can event leaders and organizers make POCs in kink feel welcomed at events and gatherings?

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Chat Transcript: ZIP
Presentation Deck: PPT

Featured Presentation: 00:00 – 47:00
PLUS Membership Promo: 47:00 – 51:00
Q&A / Open Discussion: 51:00 – 1:20:38

Links from the show:

Our third monthly discussion and gathering place for kinky folk of color, and those who want to support kink for all in their spaces (online and off), communities and events.

We Are All NOT the Same…

The third topic of discussion is “how can event leaders and organizers make POCs in kink feel welcomed at events and gatherings?”

We’ll share some ideas, and we’ll be looking for your feedback! What has worked well in the past, based on your experience? What had great intentions, but didn’t work?

We want to share this information with event organizers far and wide. What do we all need to get better at?

The format is 20-40 minutes of a topic, then on to the Q&A and socializing and fun!

Every FOURTH Monday.


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