Femdom Friday Ep6: Cordially Invited—High Protocol Services with Special Guest @Demure

Femdom Friday Ep6: Cordially Invited—High Protocol Services with Special Guest @Demure

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Chat Transcript: ZIP
Powerpoint: PPT

Ever wondered what goes on in the mind of Femdoms? How we select partners? Where we harness all our dominant power (it’s not the boobs!) or how to get started? Join d20domme and guests as we open up the virtual floor to speak about these topics, take questions and more for Femdom Fridays.

You’ve been invited! Welcome to the perfectly laid table of high protocol and its services. What does high protocol entail? What expectations does one implure? Oh dear, what’s the dress code? Do you have a desire to learn the art of High Protocol Tea preparation and Dinner service? Then say no more and just show up in your virtual best and mind your manners. Attendees will learn the history, art, terminology and kinky theory of serving or being served in a High Protocol setting.

Femdom Friday airs every SECOND Friday @ 8PM EST.

Links from the Show:

Demure is a Top leaning Switch who has been active in her local community since 2000. Demure has run interactive workshops on Therapeutic Massage, Erotic Massage, Singletails, Bullwhips and wax art.

Demure has a passion for service which birthed the Subtleties of Service Femdom dinners. A night of dinner in a public space in which Femdoms are served and the pair may also enjoy their protocols and things that we do that may not be as obvious as a ball gag. She has also done writings and arranged education events for high tea and Japanese tea service and dance.


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