The Dance: How Surrender Leads to Empowerment

The Dance: How Surrender Leads to Empowerment

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Listen to the webinar! MP3
Chat Transcript: ZIP

Links from the show:

  1. Pavlov wins the International Kinky Women’s Day Productivity Award for being a guest on two of our panels over the course of the day. You can find her other panel here.


Five women talk about how their choices typically seen as disempowering—slavery, consensual non-consent, rape play, and porn—have empowered them in their lives, lifted them up, and helped them become their best selves, ever! Moderated by Miss Nookie.

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Jacqueline Versailles Jacquie Blu


I’m jazalyn. I’ve been around for a LONG time (over 20 years now). I’ve got a BA in CJA & I worked for the DOD for many years. I’ve been involved in the Kink Community virtually my entire life.

I was born into a very 1950’s type household. My Father will forever be the standard for my ideal of a Dominant man, and my mother will always be my most powerful influence in submission. It was a very happy home, and watching my mother’s joy in her service (that word was NEVER used, but I saw it clearly once I understood the dynamic), was inspirational to me in so many ways.

Years later, looking back on my parents’ relationship, I can see the D/s construct. But, within it, I found love, joy, service, protection, safety, discipline and a million other things that relate to a solid D/s relationship. My mom wouldn’t have understood the words if I used them. As an adult, I learned more about the relationships that form in and around kink and found that I fit in there somewhere but wasn’t clear as to where. I’ve explored many types of relationships within the kink arena. I’ve identified as a Heavy Bottom, a Service Top, a submissive, a slave, a FWB, and have been blessed by an incredible Vanilla relationship with my WonderHubby of almost 30 years. He knows everything I do, and has supported me through everything I’ve encountered on my path.

Currently, I’m in a brand New relationship with a very experienced Master and we’re still figuring out where that relationship is heading. I’ve presented at Playground in Toronto, ON, CA. Dark Odyssey Fusion in MD, and at Widener University in SE PA on the topics of Parenting in Poly, Parenting in Kink, Polyamory, and Poly as the V Point in a MFM Relationship. I’m happy to share what I’ve learned, and I thoroughly love learning from others. While I’ve lectured and presented at events and programs it’s the beautiful souls I’ve been fortunate enough to meet that make it so wonderful.


My kink is driven half by a desire to break down concepts like humanity and sexuality, and half by a deep, insatiable slut-hunger. In the regular world, I’m a domestic, a storyteller, and a trickster. I like to retell the serious as absurd and make an academic study of all things playful. My sadomasochism manifests not only as dark sex, but also as humor and love. I believe dangerous things done thoughtfully can be healthy, but even simple things are dangerous when done thoughtlessly.

slave jennie


Vahavta began her kink journey nearly seven years ago, and has been grateful to get to teach, play, and learn in communities in North Carolina, Chicago, St. Louis, and Israel along the way. Today, she serves her husband in a 24/7 Total Power Exchange with a heavy CNC aspect, and is often found sporting large bruises, writing, or enjoying a good beer. vahavta believes in the intentional building of relationships that best serve the needs and desires of the people involved, no matter what the accepted “norms” are. In all aspects of her life–be that in her relationship, her pain tolerance, her athletic pursuits, or her service–she strives to be a work in progress.

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