Newbies Night Monthly, EP 5: Part 1

Newbies Night Monthly, EP 5: Part 1

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[s3mvp id=’270′]

[s3mvp id=’271′]

Chat Transcript: ZIP
Presentation Deck: PPT


Sing to the tune of Ladies Night by Kool & The Gang…

Mmm, oh yeah
Oh, what a night

Oh, yes, it’s Newbies’ Night
And the feeling’s right
Oh, yes, it’s Newbies’ Night
Oh, what a night (oh, what a night)

Oh, yes, it’s Newbies’ Night
We’re all kinksters, right
Oh, yes, it’s Newbies’ Night
Oh, what a night (huh)

LOL! Our monthly webinar focused on what you need to know when you’re new to kink.

We’ll cover some basic terminology, common courtesies and protocols, and what to keep an eye out for to be safe.

The format is 15-20 minutes of covering some basics, then on to the Q&A session, where we take questions from YOU!

PART 1: What is the kink scene?
PART 2: How do I not mess up?
PART 3: I want to play! Meeting People
PART 4: I want to play! Negotiating a REAL Scene

Newbies Night airs very THIRD Monday of the month.

[am4show have=’p2;p8;p9;p10;p15;’ ]


[am4guest not_have=’p2;p8;p9;p10;p15;’ ]


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