It’s Not Cheating: Love Off Script – Consent-based Relationship Anarchy and the personal as political

It’s Not Cheating: Love Off Script – Consent-based Relationship Anarchy and the personal as political

This episode was presented by the delightful Jenny Wilson, who focused on the intersection of relationship anarchy and consent.

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Chat Transcript: ZIP
Presentation Deck: PPT


Jenny Wilson is a performing artist, activist, writer and coach based in Yorkshire, UK. The Director of Irregular Arts and the founder of International Day of Consent (‪Nov 30th‬), she has just been appointed Activist in Residence at Leeds Beckett University, and writes the relationship anarchy blog “Live Off Script”.

Since 2018 Jenny has been focussing her life and work around consent, creating a solo performance piece, ‘Cabaret of Consent’, which she has presented nationally, facilitating sessions for BMet College in Birmingham and for the UK’s national Polyday conference for polyamorous communities, as well as founding the International Day of Consent and building campaigns at the  The International Day of Consent in 2019 included Jenny’s own performances, panel discussions, presentations and performances by other artists and a workshop by Sex Worker’s Opera. Jenny is currently developing a programme of creative work to support sex workers who are clients at Basis Leeds, as well as working on her blogs and other creative projects.


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