Dating Kinky Look Ahead: Three LIVE Events!

Dating Kinky Look Ahead: Three LIVE Events!

Hello Everyone!

Castaway, your trusty Dating Kinky correspondent, has returned with a quick news brief.

Some of you may already be aware that we have begun hosting events and chats in our live webinar environment. On that note, I am pleased to inform you that we have three, count ‘em, three (!) events coming up this week!

On Monday, February 24th, we will debut a new chat, Distinction of Deviation. Aside from being pro-alliteration, this event will be a new monthly discussion and gathering place for kinky folk of color, and those who want to support kink for all in their spaces (online and off), communities and events. It will be hosted by the irreverent houseslave2000.

The following day, Tuesday the 25th, we will have our first installment in the Dating Kinky “Let’s Debate” series. The topic will be red flags (actions and behaviors to watch out for/potentially avoid) versus green flags (actions and behaviors to watch out for/appreciate) as they relate to dating. In the red corner, we have the enchanting Ms. Bossy Butterfly, and in the green corner, we have the legendary Fetlife heel, R1HZ. Join us for a spirited discussion with these two (though no low blows, hopefully), moderated (or refereed, more like it), by our beloved founder, Nookie Notes.

And finally, on Wednesday the 26th, we have the premiere of another monthly chat, Life in Submission. Hosted by the lovely Amarie, this will be discussion about the right side of the (consensual) slash: submission, slavery, property and more. 

All three of these events will kick off @ 8PM EST. Hope to see you there!

And while we have all sorts of other things being planned in Dating Kinky-land, those will have to wait for a future news update.

Until next time,

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