Dating Kinky Presents: So, What is Kinky, Anyway?

Dating Kinky Presents: So, What is Kinky, Anyway?

What should I expect from a munch or slosh?

I was asked the question:

“My first lifestyle club munch is finally scheduled but I have no idea what to expect. What do I do? How do I act? Do I just sit submissively in the corner? Do I venture out and talk to people? I want to find some one to share my fantasies.”

I answered it in video.

And here it is in transcript:

Oh wow! Congratulations, and how exciting for you!

First, let me say that munches vary greatly from one country to the next, from one city to the next, and from one group to the next.

So, the best piece of general advice I can give you is to reach out to one of the organizers and ask for tips on what to expect, or any rules you should be aware of.

Most organizers will be surprised and happy that you care enough to ask, and will happily offer you their take.

I’ll give you some ideas though:

The munch will be full of humans of all kinds. Some will be friendly, some may not. Some are likely feeling just as awkward (or more) than you are. In this way, it’s really just like every other social gathering.

I don’t suggest just sitting submissively in the corner. In fact, your D/s or kink role matters less in overall behavior than you might think at public events like this. It’s really about making friends and connecting with people who are like you and with people who like people like you.

So, be friendly. Smile. Introduce yourself. Show interest in others. Make friends, even ones who are not the role/type you are looking for… you never know where those connections might lead, and knowing people in the lifestyle as friends can give you people to bounce ideas off of, share potential red flags with, and keep yourself out of some trouble.

So, absolutely talk to people! That’s what a munch is for (also sloshes are similar, like munches held at a pub), meeting people.

As far as meeting someone to share your fantasies, do understand that that will likely not happen right away—it will likely take a bit of time. Don’t try to force or rush that. When you really connect with someone, you can both share yourselves a bit at a time, and build to a greater rapport.

Dip your toe in, and see how things feel before going all out.

You’ve got this. Just be you, and make amazing kinky friends. Everything else will follow.


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