Dating Kinky Presents: So, What is Kinky, Anyway?

Dating Kinky Presents: So, What is Kinky, Anyway?

About This Online Book & Discussions

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The Ground Rules

This book is for entertainment purposes only. It’s written for adults who understand the concept of consent and recognize they are responsible for their own actions, behaviors and the consequences thereof.

Any activity involving physical restraint poses some risk of injury. This is also true of any physical punishment. The author and publisher of this book accept no liability for the consequences of your actions.

If you are unsure about any of the practices described in this book (or about anything else, for that matter) seek professional advice from a qualified individual.

And if in doubt… just don’t do it.

This book also contains straight-talking and discusses explicit non-mainstream adult themes to do with sex without shame. If these things offend you, don’t read them and get a refund.

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