I ONLY Say “No,” Because You Don’t Give Me Something Worth Saying “FUCK Yeah!” To.

I ONLY Say “No,” Because You Don’t Give Me Something Worth Saying “FUCK Yeah!” To.

I wrote in February about rejecting actions online, not YOU as a person. After all, I don’t know you as a person. i just know how you behave in your interactions with me.

@Grafinya said:

“women saying NO so often is simply because we aren’t being offered something worth saying yes to.”


Exactly this.

Sometimes, I give people LOTS of chances to find a way to give me something to say “FUCK Yeah!” to.

And it’s OK that they fail. I’m not complaining about it, really. Obviously we’re just not a match.

However, that’s not often how it’s seen on the side that gets the “No,” is it? Not usually, anyway.

It’s hurtful. It feels personal. And just yuck.

But this No-because-THE-OFFER-is-not-FUCK-Yeah seems like it might be easier to take. To understand.

After all, if I offered you the opportunity to spend time with me watching the national hedgehog racing championships, that might not be a “FUCK Yeah!” for you.

Heck, it might even be a nervous laugh and a “Ummm, NO!” from you.


If I’d offered bumping uglies, you might have said yes. Or conversation over tea. Or a kinky scene. Or tickets to the upcoming Heart/Pat Benetar concert.

Or maybe NOTHING I offer is a “FUCK Yeah!” And it is me. Or what you know of me.

And that’s OK, too.

Because unless I can get a “FUCK Yeah!” I’ll happily take a “No.”

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