“You’re hot.” “No, thank you.” “Fuck you.” (A customer service parable.)

“You’re hot.” “No, thank you.” “Fuck you.” (A customer service parable.)

Guy: Heyyy, sexy. I like your look.
Me: No, thank you.
Guy: You pustulent cunt, fuck you. (blocks me in that account)
Guy again, sock account: More nasty.

Do you know this guy? I bet you do, or someone like him. They are all over the place.

And they are not like this just on dating sites. They are like this in their daily lives. Like this guy:

Your name / Member name

What’s Happening? (Short Description)

Could you explain in detail what’s going on?
SLOW as shit.
Can’t delete conversations without a decline and block (and that doesn’t even work most of the time.)

No multi select messages/conversation for delete

Jesus fucking christ!!! These are the utter basics.

What a fucking shit show of a site! And you actually think people are going to PAY for this debacle of a site???

Seriously, shut the doors. You have ZERO clue what you are doing.

I’d be ashamed to put this up (as the what 3rd or 4th iteration?) to the public. Then to ask to paid???

(asking what OS and browser ONLY means you are NOT developing to standards. Might want to look at the W3C)

One of my team got this message, and asked how to reply. I took over and responded like this:

I am actually on quite a few sites that don’t allow a delete of messages, so it never really occurred to me that anyone would want a delete, much less a batch delete.

In fact, NO ONE has ever requested it.

But more importantly, I don’t really care what you think.

Because you’re not nice.

And I don’t want you on my site, paid or otherwise.

I believe that those who are rude for no reason to service people are awful people inside. And I don’t want to connect people to someone awful like you—whether it’s a temporary thing or a chronic issue.

So, I wish you the best of luck.

Because as a woman, I know this guy.

I know this guy, because when he gets frustrated—no matter at who, he gets nasty.

And it’s only a matter of time before he does it to one of our women members.

Or a lot of them.

And chases them off, chips away at their hope, and makes them think that it’s not even worth the bother.

Because people who think it’s OK to act like this guy did to a total stranger on the internet are NOT welcome on Dating Kinky. Period.

Because acting like this is NOT OK.

Not to my team. Not to my members. Not to anyone.

And sure, we all flip our lid sometimes. I get it. I’ve done it before. We all have. No one is perfect. Which is why I am also perfectly happy to forgive people, and allow them back. And I’m fine with them being on my site, when they are not acting like jerkwads and meanmugs.

And WE LOVE IT when people tell us what’s wrong.

When you report people like this. Or when you find a bug. Heck, we got this message from someone on the same day:

What’s Happening? (Short Description)
I’m on my smartphone most of the time and some of the pages like profile views dont reformat for a portrait view

Could you explain in detail what’s going on?
Some pages will not reformat for a cell phone and I cant read them or scroll off screen to click buttons… I have a smartphone and its screen format is 2960×1440 .. and viewed in portrait mode …

Platform (e.g., PC, Mac, iPad, etc.)

Browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.)
Chrome and Samsung

And we worked with them to figure out what was going on, then offered them three months of PLUS membership for reporting it.

Because they were awesome about it. Like I hope to think I am when things go wrong with something, and I’m writing to a total stranger online to tell them that something totally outside of their control (or maybe outside their knowing) is not working for me.

And because I want people like that around to connect with people like you.


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One Response

  1. The first behaviour is not acceptable in any circumstances anywhere.
    It costs nothing to be polite, even when you’re frustrated that something isn’t working. Taking that frustration out on the people who are there to help resolve it will rarely (and shouldn’t) resolve the problems.

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