There Is Nothing More Erotic Than Belonging

There Is Nothing More Erotic Than Belonging

In D/s, there is nothing more erotic than belonging.

In my opinion, belonging is the highest level of emotion, and it translates into the greatest physical excitement in a relationship.

In a D/s relationship they belong to me, they are mine, every pleasure they experience is an act of obedience to me, they surrender everything they have to me, I know and see everything inside of them, they share their most intimate self with me, the two of us share a connection we do not have with anyone else (even if we have connections with others, this is ours).

This connection creates deep levels of desire for each of us, because there is love and responsibility on both sides.

This connection creates deep levels of desire for each of us, because there is love and responsibility on both sides.

Image by Kaushik Chug from Pixabay

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