The 8 Commandments of Kinky Dating Profiles

The 8 Commandments of Kinky Dating Profiles

I was browsing through some sales-related articles one day, looking for dating inspiration, and I saw one cheekily named, “The Seven Commandments Of Sales Pitches,” and history was made. I present to you, the The Eight Commandments Of Dating Profiles:

  1. Thou Shalt Not Use An Obnoxious UserName
  2. Pick Thy Photos With Care
  3. Prithee, Tell Me Why I Should Give A Shit
  4. Verily, Tell Truthfully The Story Of Your Life
  5. Nay, Do Not Forget Thy Audience
  6. Pride Thyself In Thy Spelling and Grammare
  7. Prove Thyself
  8. Ask For The Date

Yes, I know that I’m pretty much the suck at thees and thous and themsorts. However, dating profiles can be kinda stressful, so I’mma have some fun with this.

This became a section of my book, Dating Kinky ( ), and it’s now a workshop I’m developing, and YOU are invited to help test it (and quite possibly get some attention to your profile)!

We are hosting a 4-week profile makeover event online for a select group of people of different roles, genders, sexual orientations, races, and abilities.

I, our brilliant coaches, and your partner (you’ll be paired up with someone new each week) will work with you every step to get you the BEST DAMN dating profile you have ever had!

And we’ll share your progress with the dating world, so others can meet you, learn about your challenges and follow along as you create your profile.


Learn more here:

We’d love to have you join us!

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KinkIn15: Lewd

The word of the week is “lewd”. To participate, create a 15-word story with lewd, lewdness, or lewdly. I can’t wait to see your creativity!

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