KinkIn15: Abandon

KinkIn15: Abandon

The word of the week is “abandon”. To participate, create a 15-word story with abandon, abandons, abandoned, or abandoning. I can’t wait to see your creativity! smiles

It’s been a long
and winding
sometimes surprising
to us
and abandoning our walls.

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Image of a happily maybe orgasmic woman with the words: "When you get a taste of a real dominant, the rest of the world never really tastes the same. And: "Do 'real' dominants taste different from other humans? Huh. *licks self* I can't tell."

Real Dominants Don’t… He Said To Me

“Real dominants don’t ask the opinions of others.” “Real dominants don’t allow questions from their submissive.” “Real dominants don’t accept limits or requirements from anyone.”

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