Help Wanted: Presenters from the UK/EU

Help Wanted: Presenters from the UK/EU

We’re on the hunt for English-speaking presenters from the UK and EU time zones.

Dating Kinky is growing internationally, and we’d love to viand new people, voices, and perspectives to share with our members from the GMT and similar time zones live (of course, all of our PLUS members can see the recordings, but being able to attend live is a big part of the fun!)

We’re open to all sorts of topics, and we’re really looking for presenters from all over, especially non-ET US time zones!

We also welcome and save room for BIPOC, LGBTQ, neurodivergent, and disabled presenters.

New to presenting? We’re happy to help you polish your message. After all, we’ve been there, and someone gave us our break! smiles

Connect with us here:

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