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Listen to the webinar! MP3
Chat Transcript: ZIP
Links from the show:
- Two of the guests in this panel (Venus and Mallory) were kind enough to lend their podcasts as sponsors as of this event, the Venus Cuckoldress podcast and the Casual Swinger podcast, respectively.
- Bad Kitty was also the featured guest on our recent episode addressing the impact of COVID-19. This episode is freely available to everyone, whether you are a PLUS member, or not.
- A’Marie is our resident host of Life in Submission, a recurring Dating Kinky webinar. The next installment (as of this posting) will air Wednesday, March 25th @8PM EST. You can register for this chat here.
A discussion of various strands of ethical monogamy and sex-positivity among four vivacious women. Moderated by Miss Nookie.
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Venus Cuckoldress
I will always focus on the incredible beauty of complex loving cuck relationships and will forever talk about the admirable strength and worth of a loving and dedicated cuck partner. Yes you read that right – I highly respect cucks no matter how much I may overlap with femdom or FLR aspects here and there.
I detest fake cuckolding and will call out anyone who tries to hijack the cuckoldress or cuckolding labels (you should call them out to), because these types of things are helping to contribute to a false perception of cucks and cuckolding on a massive scale. Why is that important to me? Because my main motivation is to educate women so that they will at least consider this as a valid relationship option and it’s hard to do that when you have so many findoms, prodommes, fake profiles, and money hungry gold-diggers falsely portraying cuckolding every day.

A’marie entered the spanking world just over twenty years ago, and joined the BDSM and polyamory communities shortly thereafter. She is a scribe for Trippy & Armed, her leather family. Identifying as a submissive, she is in a committed long-distance relationship with her favorite California Stompy Boots, with other partners scattered about North Carolina.

Bad Kitty
I am a smart, sexy, kinky woman… assertive professional by day, submissive sexkitten by night (who is occasionally inspired to flex her inner sadist and switch by the right connection).
I’ve been active in the kink, swinger, and poly communities most of my adult life. My partner KinkThings and I enjoy going to clubs and other events in kinklandia, and if you believe the community hype, we some AMAZEBALLS parties ourselves. We designed our home, @BadKittysRetreat, around entertaining – and aw, shucks, people seem to really dig our events.

Mallory is one half of the Casual Swinger podcast. She brings 13+ years of experience inside Consensual Non-Monogamy, and a lifetime of sex-positivity. Along with her partner, she shares the in’s and out’s, up’s and down’s of the lifestyle. She strives to empower women, take the taboo out of “the lifestyle”, and share ideas with the community to better enable and support each other.