It’s Not Cheating: Multiple people + multiple communication styles = multiple possible problems, let’s change that math!

It’s Not Cheating: Multiple people + multiple communication styles = multiple possible problems, let’s change that math!

We began the afternoon with a presentation from Debs, the uber-talented Kink Shrink. In her chat she covered communication styles and how they relate to nonmonogamy.

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Chat Transcript: ZIP


I have a private practice as a therapist and as a supervisor (qualified and insured) I see people in person (not currently) and on line. I run workshops on the scene about the psychology of all aspects of Ds, Ms and BDSM and mental health in general. I have over 50k hours of experience and 500+ hours of personal therapy. Feel free to contact me on a professional level to enquire about therapy, I am often booked up however. I am not a nodding therapist, I challenge and aim for change and growth. I use a lot of modalities nowadays, an integrated soup really, TA, DBT, GESTALT, ROGERS, RELATIONAL, CBT, EMDR, and more! 


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