Speaking Kinkly, Claiming Your Baggage (with guest presenter Angela Car)

Speaking Kinkly, Claiming Your Baggage (with guest presenter Angela Car)

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Speaking Kinkly is a webinar for kinky folks who want to discover new techniques for communicating effectively. Communication is SEXY, and doing it well is, well…SEXIER!

July Topic: Claiming Your Baggage

This month we had an awesome guest presenter, Angela Car (@DISIRability) who guided and advised us on how to claim our baggage (emotional, medical, trauma, past relationships) in our alternative dynamics.

Every FOURTH Friday. Next episode: August 28 @8PM EST.

Chat Transcript: ZIP
Presentation Deck: PDF

Links from the show:

Angela’s FetLife
Disirability FetLife


Angela Car (@DISIRability) is a Sex Positive Disability Educator/Advocate who was born with Spina Bifida. She shares a unique perspective navigating relationships, sex and intimacy, educating through story telling and sharing her own lived experience. Angela is in a 24/7 Power Exchange Dynamic on the right side of the slash. She noticed that many other people with disabilities were also interested in kink and power-exchange. So, Angela started a podcast DISIRabilityALT to explore Disability, Desire, and Alternative Relationships. She is also available for workshops and presentations.


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