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Take advantage of the uniquely powerful Gantry 5 Color Picker and change your theme’s color scheme in seconds.
Adjust color, saturation, hue, and transparency quickly and easily.
Take advantage of the uniquely powerful Gantry 5 Color Picker and change your theme’s color scheme in seconds.
If I’m gonna answer that question, I’m going to be 100% honest: Everything. Everything can go wrong. Just like in every relationship style ever. And
In a comment on [my blog] on one of my writing earlier this week, I was asked: “I hear all the time and see it
LOL! You probably know this by now, right? Or, maybe you’re just meeting me. Well, I think a bit differently than most people. I always
On FetLife, of all the labels to choose from, I am a kinkster. On my kinky dating sites, I am a dominant. I also identify
In honor of this month, I’d like to share a story. It’s one I tell often, because it was the first time I remember realizing
“Avoid false friendship at all costs.” I agree. Motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said that we are the average of the five people we spend
Listen to the webinar! MP3 Chat Transcript: ZIP Our second monthly discussion about the right side of the (consensual) slash: submission, slavery, property and more.
If you’re not logged into your PLUS Member account, click here. “If you aren’t in the moment, you are either looking forward to uncertainty, or back to pain
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