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Adjust color, saturation, hue, and transparency quickly and easily.
Take advantage of the uniquely powerful Gantry 5 Color Picker and change your theme’s color scheme in seconds.
Laughter ensued. I did a slow blink. I paused. And I shook my head. The group of people I had just joined laughed even harder.
LOL! I can barely think about it without laughing out loud, even when I’m alone. “Hair.” My friend and I used to say that to
Chat Transcript: ZIPPresentation Deck: PPT Links from the show: Atomic Curves’ Fetlife pagehttps://twitter.com/DatingKinky https://twitter.com/castawaySOS https://datingkinky.com/events/ This is a webinar for kinky folks who want to
On May 26, 2022, I went live on YouTube on the subject of “Communication is not the MOST important part of a relationship” for Dating
I’ve read that m marriage is just two people asking each other where they want to eat until one of them dies. And that makes
All women have to do is be on a [dating/sex] site, and men will send her messages. It’s so much easier for women, they make
Saturday is Kink Meme Day! I saw this image floating around: I thought I’d have some fun with it. Perhaps you could add your own
What makes Dating Kinky different? LOTS of things. For one, we encourage a healthy understanding of STDs and STIs and communicating your safe sex practices
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