Dating Kinky Presents: So, What is Kinky, Anyway?

Dating Kinky Presents: So, What is Kinky, Anyway?

What if my job or my family finds out?

Well, that can go either way.

It’s a chance we all take, but admittedly, some have more to lose.

For example, if your parents don’t really have much pull in your life, or you’re mostly estranged except for a few family events, it might not matter much.

If, however, they are paying for your very pricey college degree or giving you a place to live, well…that’s something else entirely.

Your boss might be super-awesome, and not care as long as you do good work.

Or, you may find yourself fired with extreme prejudice and without recourse.

So, once people you don’t want to know DO know, what then?

Well, there might be not a lot you can do.

Some steps that might help:

Talk to them. Sit down, have a conversation. Take questions. Find out their fears and see if you can soothe them. Perhaps you can convince them that your kink has not and will not affect your schooling or your job, or whatever.

This book. Some people are terrified of kink because they don’t know what it is. Perhaps this book would help them understand a bit.

Online links. Share some links online. Like the ones I provided earlier in the book, showing that kink can actually be mentally healthy.

Move forward. Whatever happens, even the worst, move forward. Don’t let it stop you from living your life. There may be a lot to do and a lot of pieces to pick up, and it may seem overwhelming. Take some time, if needed, to be kind to you then get to it. You may also find that as you do move forward, that there are people who support you and have your back that you might never have expected.

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