Dating Kinky Presents: So, What is Kinky, Anyway?

Dating Kinky Presents: So, What is Kinky, Anyway?

And, Finally

Gosh! Are we done already?

Time flies when I’m talking about kink, LOL!

Thing is, there is A LOT to kink that we’ve not yet covered. Of course there is! And there’s experiences to be had—and I hope you get to have them.

I’ve certainly put as much as I could into this book (and again, sooooo many thanks to those kinksters from around the world who contributed THEIR perspectives) to give you a working foundation from which to explore the world of kink for yourself, at your leisure.

And, as I said before, you might be scared.

That’s cool.

I bet you’re ready, though. You’ve done a lot of things in life that have scared you, and this is just one more.

You’ve got this.

As I try to figure out how to say goodbye to you, even though I don’t know YOU, personally, really, you matter to me, because you read my book. And I relate to you, because I, like you, love to learn about kink and how it can connect me with amazing people.

And, so I’ll invite you to connect with me.

There are lots of ways to do it. I try to make it easy. Here are a few:


The Dating Kinky Dating Site: I’m NookieNotes there.

Our Podcast

On DK’s Facebook page

On Facebook through Whips Chains & Duct Tape, the BEST educational kinky/BDSM page on FB (I’m an administrator there)

On FetLife

In FetLife’s Dating Kinky Group

On YouTube

On Instagram

On Twitter

If you have questions, reach out. Comments or ideas, reach out. Just want to say hello, or tell me how amazing this book is, please do reach out.

And, of course, if you’re kinky or kink-curious and you’re looking to date, meet kinky friends, and connect, please do join Dating Kinky. We’d love to have you.

Thank you for joining me for this book,

Photo of Nookie: smiling woman with red and purple hair.

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