The word of the week is “bold”. To participate, create a 15-word story with bold, bolder, or boldest. I can’t wait to see your creativity! smiles
When he walks by,
bold as you please
wiggles his pretty butt at me.
The word of the week is “bold”. To participate, create a 15-word story with bold, bolder, or boldest. I can’t wait to see your creativity! smiles
When he walks by,
bold as you please
wiggles his pretty butt at me.
It’s amazing to me how many people who really should know better (and do, in other situations) will fall back on a craptaculous nonpology when
Where do YOU end and where does another begin? Where does the state line of Healthy Boundaries meet it’s neighboring District of Codependency? For me,
Understand Me—Now! (And that’s an order.) April 2020 • Click here for a 50-page sample or login to access your PLUS Member content. Gain confidence
As you might be aware, here at Dating Kinky we are making it a major emphasis on building community and providing worthwhile sex & kink
We got SOOOO many requests to get a discord server going, and so we have. You now have a 24/7 chat option for Dating Kinky
Yes, you. No, I’m not vague posting about someone local to me who did heinous stuff. I’m talking about and to you, dear reader. I
That was the response I got the first time I told my partner that my primary love languages were gifts and quality time. His were
Anyone who has ever missed someone knows the feeling, like a part of themselves are gone. It’s nothing concrete, like an arm or a leg,
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