Roberto Gets Around, For Good Reason

Roberto Gets Around, For Good Reason

An man and a woman holdinghands across a table filled with coffee, cupcakes and soup.

This writing is now available as a podcast episode!

A conversation I had this morning.

The genius (not his real name)

Has anyone mentioned…
…you’re ducking awesome?



The genius

What’s new?


Nothing, really. Just loving life, working a lot, playing hard._?Nothing, really. Just loving life, working a lot, playing hard.

I do highly recommend Roberto

The genius

Roberto and I are already know each other, intimately.

I’ve made him what he is, and then really enjoyed him being inside me.

Deep inside, come to think of it.


Sounds like Roberto gets around.

The genius

When he’s hot, he’s hot.

He was here just a a week ago. I’ve lost track how many times.


Pet is having an ongoing assignation during his lunch breaks.

The genius

Nice – does he swallow like I do?


Uh huh. Enthusiastically.

The genius

Hot. Literally.


Feels so right going down my gullet.

Roberto gives me so much oral pleasure. Beyond compare.

The genius

I’ve enjoyed Roberto on my tongue, of course. But beyond compare seems like more of a stretch goal.

Meet Roberto: The Many Lives of Roberto


Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

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