Dating Kinky Presents: The Big Book of Ass

Dating Kinky Presents: The Big Book of Ass

Big Book of Ass Cover

What Do I Need To Know About Physiology?

It’s ideal to know the parts of the butt, and how and why they work the way they do. By understanding what you’re working with, you’ll get more from the butt play you try.

I’m going to talk about both the outer parts of your ass and the inner parts, giving you a good overview of your playground so you can please and be pleased better.

The Outer Butt


The most obvious part of any ass is the buttocks. This is the part we salivate and drool over when we see a nice set walk by.

Your ass cheeks are a mass of gluteal muscles wrapped in a layer of fat and skin. They also have a generous portion of nerve endings that allow for multiple sensations. Because of the extra padding of fat and muscle, the buttocks can often take much more violent play than other areas of the body.

Whether you are the giver or receiver in your relationship/play (or both), your glutes are important to you.

Buttocks on receivers are usually the inspiration and site of much teasing and play for givers. Whatever your ass shape and size, your giver finding it attractive and enticing will certainly help the game along.

For the givers, the glutes are critically important during any ass play that involves thrusting the hips. The glutes are one of the muscle sets that will power those thrusts forward, and if you’re not conditioned, you’ll feel it the next day.

Trust me on this.

In fact, this is why one of the bonus lessons in Learn To Love Anal is titled, Strengthen Your Fuck Muscles, LOL!

Did you know? The word 'twerk' made the Oxford Dictionary's shortlist for 2013 Word of the Year.

Just Say Yes To Crack

Officially known as the intergluteal cleft. Unofficially known as the butt crack, ass crack, chocolate valley, and banana split.

Of course this is where your anus lies, between your buttocks.

The Fleshy Fun Bridge

Yes, I admit, I got this one from Cards Against Humanity. Totally stole it. So what?

Your perineum, also known as the taint, the durf, the grundle, or the bifkin, is the space between your asshole and your front-facing goody bits, regardless of biological sex.

Every human body has the potential for receiving pleasure from this area being touched, pressed and licked.

In p-spot-having people, the taint tends to be a bit longer than in g-spot-having folk. This allows for additional access to pleasuring the prostate indirectly.

Your Chocolate Starfish

The anus, mahogany knot, asshole, butthole, or brown eyed willy is a part of the body controlled by a sphincter muscle.

This is where you release fecal matter, and choose (or not) to receive pleasure from insertion as well.

The anus has incredible sensitivity and a multitude of nerve endings to increase the potential for pleasure, thanks to the pudendal nerve.

And those nerves are connected to the same bundle in every gender that connect whatever pleasure package you rock on the front (penis, vagina, glitterbox, whathaveya) to your spine and eventually your brain.

But regarding your starfish itself, most people don’t realize exactly what lies beyond. And, frankly, what many people don’t know scares them.

So, Let’s Talk About The Inner Butt

There are two different sphincter muscles in your anus, the sphincter ani externus and sphincter ani internus (exterior anal sphincter and internal anal sphincter, respectively). These sphincters are rings of muscles, used to control the movement of stuff through your body.

In this case, to keep things in or let them out of your bowel.

The external sphincter is yours to command by relaxing or tightening it at will.

The internal sphincter is an involuntary muscle, there to keep you continent while you sleep, or if you’re unconscious for any reason. You don’t control this muscle the way you do your other sphincter.

However, once you have trained it (and taken your time), this little ring can expand to take things the size of which you might never believe, and the nerve endings there will send sensations straight up to your skull.

For good or ill. LOL!

Your Feel Goods

We’ve already talked a bit about your pudendal nerve and how it’s connected to your brain’s pleasure centers.

The perineal/rectal nerves play a part in your super-sensitive anus as well.

Something to note, however: There are VERY FEW nerves connected to your rectum itself, which means that you really—REALLY—want to keep yourself totally lubed, because you won’t feel all that much if it starts to dry out up there and possibly tear that thin skin.

The Passage Beyond

The rectum is the internal “tube” between your anus and your colon.

In a relaxed, non-full state, the rectum measures about four to four and a half inches (10-12 centimeters) long, and lays collapsed flat. A sheath of longitudinal muscle surrounds the outside wall of the rectum, making it possible for the rectum to shorten and lengthen, and it may expand to fit many widths as needed.

The skin inside the rectum is thinner than in most areas of your body (thinner than the skin inside the vagina, even), and so care must be taken not to tear or rip it, especially since the nerves of the rectum are not really sensitive to pain. LOTS of lube works wonders for this.

Your Favorite Colon

A tweet that says: The guy that sat beside me today smelled like a mixture of vodka and Ralph Lauren colon...I guess we can be friends

That spot where the rectum takes a hard left? That’s your colon.

The average anal enthusiast will never have a need for this area, as they just won’t get that far.

There are some, though, who really do like the long ones, and take them up into the colon and even the large intestine, so I’ll mention it here.

It’s possible to get a super-flexible toy around the sharp bend from the rectum into the colon, and sometimes even straighten it out (it’s very mutable down there), but many people never can, and of those who do, some describe a feeling of nausea overcoming them.

I don’t recommend it, and I don’t teach about it, myself.

Let’s Discuss!

Were you already familiar with all the parts of the butt, or did you learn a few things about how they go together and give you pleasure?

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7 Responses

    1. It’s pretty damn amazing, for sure! I love sharing this information.

      The book we have scheduled for May is all about orgasms, specifically, so keep an eye out. *smiles*

    1. YES! It’s there as a download link up there, next to MOBI and ePub. *smiles*

      We just recently added the PDF read-online feature, and we haven’t updated all of our books to that format (although we are working on it.)

        1. Could you try again, and make sure you’re logged in?

          This is the older layout, bu you should see: Link to Full Book Download: PDF | ePUB | MOBI somewhere on the page. We’ll update this in the next week or two to the new layout.


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