Learn To Love Anal, Introduction

Learn To Love Anal, Introduction

On Gender & Pronouns

Those who learn to love anal could be any gender.

In this class, I’m talking to you. I don’t know your gender, and I don’t assume it. You might be a single person. You might be a couple. You might be a commune of wacky kinky folk.

You are just “you” to me.

I’ll always do my best to be cognizant of gender-sensitive topics. I will speak from my experience and from my research.

For example, when I say, “woman,” I mean cis- or trans-women, or any people who identify as a woman primarily or for at least 50% of their daily life.

When I say, “man,” I mean cis- or trans-men, or any people who identify as a man primarily or for at least 50% of their daily life.

With butt play, I don’t need to specify gender, so I use they/them pronouns.

There are, however, physical features related to biological sex that I will need to touch on.

For example, the prostate.

In order for some of you to get the most out of your butt play experiences, you’ll need to become familiar with your prostate, and how it works. Or someone else’s prostate and how it works.

So, when I need to discuss the prostate, I’ll simply talk about “people with prostates.”


There is one specific lesson that has two parts: for those with prostates and for those with g-spots.

Throughout the other lessons, I will make specific reference to these parts as needed for the best experiences possible for you.

I believe in the range of gender, and I attempt to address all of my books and classes to speak to all, to be as inclusive as possible. Take from them what works for you, and leave the rest behind.

But, enough of this. Let’s get started!

Let’s Discuss!

Do you have any questions about gender that might change how you interact in this class?

How do you identify? Have you ever felt like identifying in another way?

As I noted in the lesson: I believe in the range of gender, and I will attempt to address this to speak to all, as inclusively as possible. Take from it what works for you, and leave the rest behind.

Don’t be a jerk to those who believe differently than you. You MAY, though, ask questions, if you have them.

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