National Women’s History Month

National Women’s History Month

Of course not all women wear lipstick.

In fact, not all women do or are anything, except women.

And yet, it’s important that we appreciate women for what they bring to the world beyond what most societies consider “traditional women’s work.”


Margaret A. Wilcox invented the first car heater in 1893.

Elizabeth Magie critiqued the injustices of unchecked capitalism with her creation, The Landlord’s Game in 1904, which was ripped off and sod to Parker Brothers byCharles Darrow 30 years later. The theft was acknowledged, and she was given $500 for her original work and troubles.

Anna Connelly invented the fire escape in 1887.

Letitia Geer invented a medical syringe that can be operated with just one hand in 1899.

The modern electric refrigerator was invented in 1914 by Florence Parpart.

Ada Lovelace was the first computer programmer, working with Charles Babbage at the University of London on his plans for an “analytic engine” (i.e. old-timey computer) to develop ways to program the machine with mathematical algorithms

Dr Shirley Jackson did the research at Bell Laboratories that made portable faxes, touch tone telephones, solar cells, fiber optic cables, and the technology behind caller ID and call waiting possible, and was also the the first black woman to receive a Ph.D. from MIT, in 1973.

Hedy Lamarr (yes, the GORGEOUS wold-famous actress!) invented a secret communications system during WWII that laid the technological foundations for everything from Wi-Fi to GPS.

More can be found here:

While none of this is specifically kinky or sexy, I created Dating Kinky to lift and center badass people in the lifestyle, and showcasing what some amazing badass women in history have done is totally within our vision.


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