Dating Kinky is STD/STI aware!

Dating Kinky is STD/STI aware!

What makes Dating Kinky different? LOTS of things. For one, we encourage a healthy understanding of STDs and STIs and communicating your safe sex practices with potential partners.

For example, here are some possible choices (multi-select) for your profile:

— I use condoms/protection for intercourse
— I use condoms/protection for oral
— I accept papers for fluid bonding/bareback
— I am currently fluid bonded with at least one person
— I use condoms/protection on toys
— I have currently tested negative and I have papers I’m willing to share
— I am HSV1 positive
— I am HSV2 positive
— I am HPV positive
— I am HIV positive
— I prefer to have this conversation in person when/if we get to the point of discussing sexual contact
— I have other things to say and I will clarify below

Of course, NONE of these are required.

We just believe that normalizing discussion of STDs/STIs and safe sex practices is a good thing, so we are taking that step to make it easier.

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