I’m not sure exactly WHAT tools this refers to, but I’m pretty sure there is fun to be had!
I’m not sure exactly WHAT tools this refers to, but I’m pretty sure there is fun to be had!
I spent a few hours on the Clubhouse app the other day. I realized I’d installed it over a year back, and just never really
It’s amazing to me how many people who really should know better (and do, in other situations) will fall back on a craptaculous nonpology when
In February 2021, UnrulyNerdGirl presented the topic “Your Magic Dating Suit of Armor” for Dating Kinky’s Dating & Love weekend event. The original presentation was
I first had the idea to write Dating Kinky about three years ago, before I started my kinky dating site, or even intended to create
A comment yesterday suggested that ‘People who do ____ are hurting.’ Which is often true. Not always. Sometimes they are just assholes. Sometimes they are
A few months back, I wrote You’re Making Dominance HARDER For Yourself, You Know…, and I asserted in that piece that dominance is natural and it’s
My friend Pepper_Pots was teaching a class about the 5 love languages at The Venue (FetLife link) about two weeks ago, and she said this
This writing is now available as a podcast episode! I find a simple two-step process works best for me.
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