Just ONE decision can change your entire life.

Just ONE decision can change your entire life.

Pretty freaking fantastic, huh?

If I were to look back over my life in kink, there were three decisions that would lead to where I am today:

1.Saying “Yes,” when a friend asked me to go to a “really crazy club” with her in 1992.

2.Traveling 2+ hours every month to attend a FemDom function in another city (where I met my Pet).

3.Agreeing to help develop and manage a kinky venue.

But I didn’t even realize it at the time. 🤯

I was just “doing me” the best I could at the time. Exploring my world and saying “yes” whenever I could.

Has that ever happened to you? Have you ever looked back and realized how one decision totally changed things for you/your direction?

If you really think about it, we’re always only one decision away from a totally different life, whether we’re looking back or looking forward.

Can you think of one decision that truly changed your life and kink as you live it today?

Share it with us in the comments!

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