Learn To Love Anal, Introduction

Learn To Love Anal, Introduction

Cover It

The best way to play safe is to use a condom or glove (latex or non-latex) to cover any skin or toys and protect them from exposure.

This is so easy, because clean up is such a snap. Take off the condom or glove, give a brief rinse to get off lube or powder or whatever residue, and you’re done.

It also creates the added benefit of protecting you and your toys against exposure, even if you are fluid bonded.

Let me give you an example: You’re fluid bonded, and both of you are free of STDs/STIs that you don’t both carry. Cool, huh?

BUTT, there is bacteria. (See what I did there? LOL!)

And you sharing butt bacteria is not the same as swapping spit and the like.

And here’s the thing, even if it’s just your fingers, what if you have a recent hang nail, or your skin was dry and split?

Yup, you’re now introducing that bacteria directly to your bloodstream.



So, covering it is an excellent solution.

Oh, and the smoothness of the latex/non-latex does not absorb lube, so it stays slicker longer. That IS a super YAY!

And if you have long fingernails that you don’t want to lose, just pop a cotton ball into the end of the finger tip before you put it on.


Safe play.

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