Taming your Masculine Pride: Male Submission

Taming your Masculine Pride: Male Submission

“Kneel lowly worm! You are not worthy to lick my boots!”

Oh, jeez. Ummm. Ok, so that’s not gonna work. Not for 90% of the submissives, male or otherwise, I know.

So why is it such a pervasive idea?

Taming your Masculine Pride: Male Submission Class Description

There is a lot online and in print about submission, mostly female-oriented, because, let’s face it, there are more female submissives than male. And what male submissives are writing is more fantasitical and porn-driven than what you’ll find in a real relationship. So, can you be yourself in today’s society and still submit? Yes! You can. Nookie will give you all the tools you need to find your way.

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