Distinction of Deviation Ep2: We Are All NOT the Same…

Distinction of Deviation Ep2: We Are All NOT the Same…

[am4guest not_have=’p2;p8;p9;p10;p20;’ ]


[am4show have=’p2;p8;p9;p10;p20;’ ]

Listen to the webinar! MP3

Links from the show:
The Dominant Submissive Blog
The Need To Be Taken Blog

Links from the show:

Our second monthly discussion and gathering place for kinky folk of color, and those who want to support kink for all in their spaces (online and off), communities and events.

We Are All NOT the Same…

A discussion about racism, assumptions, and good intentions in the BDSM scene.

Being a person of color doesn’t mean we all think alike or even have the same type of lifestyle.

In this month’s discussion, we will speak on what makes us different although falling under the same umbrella when it comes to who we are. This will be a discussion that needs you to participate so we can discuss why we all shouldn’t be treated the same just because we are people of color.A discussion about racism, assumptions, and good intentions in the BDSM scene.

Every FOURTH Monday.

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[am4guest not_have=’p2;p8;p9;p10;p20;’ ]

Our second monthly discussion and gathering place for kinky folk of color, and those who want to support kink for all in their spaces (online and off), communities and events.

We Are All NOT the Same…

A discussion about racism, assumptions, and good intentions in the BDSM scene.

Being a person of color doesn’t mean we all think alike or even have the same type of lifestyle.

In this month’s discussion, we will speak on what makes us different although falling under the same umbrella when it comes to who we are. This will be a discussion that needs you to participate so we can discuss why we all shouldn’t be treated the same just because we are people of color.A discussion about racism, assumptions, and good intentions in the BDSM scene.

Every FOURTH Monday.


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