My Body, My Soul, My Self, My Space, & My Mind, EP4: Interview with Enchantress Shane

My Body, My Soul, My Self, My Space, & My Mind, EP4: Interview with Enchantress Shane

My Body, My Soul, My Self, My Space, & My Mind, Ep1

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My Body, My Soul, My Self, My Space, & My Mind, Ep1


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My Body, My Soul, My Self, My Space, & My Mind, Ep1


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Chat Transcript: ZIP

The month on My Body My Soul, our host Hardy Brooklyn had a wonderful interview with the amazing Enchantress Shane.

The conversation included some marvelous anecdotes from Shane, including the meaning of the phrase “Right Now I Feel…”.

My Body, My Soul airs every SECOND Monday. Next episode: September 14 at 8PM EST.

Links from the show:

Shane’s Twitter
Shane’s Instagram
Facebook profile
Relational Embodied Intimacy Group


Featured Guest:

Enchantress Shane is an entertaining powerhouse! She is well versed in the world of pleasure and fear fucking using communication and curiosity. She sees sexuality as a form of self expression, and understand how energy is the most important aspect of connection.

She is a motivational performer, life coach, and guide for sensitive beings that feel awkward in speaking and finding their truth, and end up holding back.

Shane was a pre-school teacher and stripper, special educator and parent coach and now owns the Awkward Academy, where she facilitates her famous “Fuck Your Fears“ courses.
She is a published author, advice columnist, performs her one woman show and paints feminine art.

She is a native New Yorker and lives near the beach with her dog Cooper.

Shane’s Website

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