Dating Kinky Presents: The Big Book of Ass

Dating Kinky Presents: The Big Book of Ass

Big Book of Ass Cover

Do I Need To Take Special Care Of My Butt?

Taking care of your anal health will lead to a longer, more satisfying sex life, for both your front and back entrances.

Taking Care Of Your Ass

Your butt does wonderful things for you: Taking out your body’s trash, giving you a comfy place to sit and offering all manner of pleasure.

The least you can do for it (and yourself) is to take good care of it. Fortunately, the ways you take care of your ass are the same ways that you would use to take care of the rest of your body.

Eat Right

Eat fiber-rich foods, especially plant material. Lots of veggies and fruits. It will help keep you regular, and that keeps waste moving through your colon as it should.

It also keeps said waste together, meaning that your rectum will be relatively clean between expellations.

Lots of fiber will keep your stools nice and soft, without being squishy, so that you don’t have to strain to use the restroom.

Let It Gooooooo!

Yes! I managed a Disney song reference in an anal book. My life is now complete!

Go No. 2 when you need to. Don’t hold it in.

When you hold it in, your excrement will head back up into your colon, where it loses moisture, and becomes more compact, and that makes it harder to poop, causing strain and, eventually, possible hemorrhoids and fissures.


To learn to relax your anus, you need to learn about and condition your PC muscles (The full and correct name of this group of muscles is Pubococcygeus. I think PC is so much easier to say and pronounce.).

It’s easy to find your PC muscles (to which your sphincters are connected), by stopping the flow of urine next time you pee.

You just used your PC muscles. Practice that feeling, clenching and relaxing those muscles.

PC muscle exercises are also known as kegels, and have many benefits for all genders beyond anal health.

People With G-Spots:

Kegel exercises as they are known today were developed in the 1940s by gynecologist Dr. Arnold Kegel, who recommended that women recovering from childbirth exercise their pelvic floor to prevent health problems.

Health problems like stress incontinence (this means leaking urine when you laugh, cough, sneeze, jog, or lift something heavy), urge incontinence (this is a need to urinate that is so strong you can’t reach the toilet in time), and pelvic floor weakness (due to childbirth).

However, in follow-up examinations he soon discovered a very exciting side-effect to the treatment: patients doing Kegel exercises regularly were achieving orgasm more easily, more frequently, and more intensely.

The muscles you strengthen during Kegel exercise, the PC muscles, are some of the muscles that contract during orgasm, so toning them enhances those sensations and makes it easier to reach climax. And the numerous benefits of orgasms range from beating stress to boosting the immune system, so having more and better orgasms can only be a plus!

Stronger pelvic muscles also mean a tighter vagina—so both you and your partner will feel more intense sensations during sex.

But tighter isn’t the only thing…doing kegels teaches you how to relax not just your anus, but your vaginal canal as well, so they help with taking larger cocks, toys, hands, and even…help reduce the pain of childbirth.

People With P-Spots:

As you age, urinary and bowel incontinance can become a problem (even without anal sex, it’s just an aging thing), especially for those with poor muscle tone.

PC exercises have been linked to improved bladder control. Kegels are also used in the treatment of male prostate difficulties such as prostatitis and BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia).

Having strong PC muscles and doing Kegel exercises also has sexual health benefits for men. Studies have shown they help improve the strength of your erection, circulation and have been used for decades as a standard technique with erectile dysfunction concerns.

Kegels have also been shown in studies to be effective for many men who struggle with premature ejaculation.

Side note: Kegels are also used by men to develop the ability to orgasm without ejaculating, thereby getting to experience multiple orgasms. See the book, The Multiorgasmic Male.

In addition, strong PC muscles have been associated with stronger, more intense ejaculations.

All Genders:

To exercise your PC muscles, try these movements in three workouts per day — morning, noon, and night:

Suck It Up, 10 to 30 reps per day.

Inhale, and pretend you are sucking water up into your anus. When you breathe out, bear down and push out the imaginary water.

Hold Tight, 100 reps per day.

Inhale deeply and contract your PC muscles, holding them for a few seconds. Relax the muscles when you exhale.

Quick Release, 20 to 50 sets per day.

Inhale deeply and, as you breathe in, quickly clench and release the muscles repeatedly (about 10 times); try to do the contractions as quickly as you can. Relax as you exhale.

Pull My Finger

Another way to help gauge your overall level of relaxation is by making it a habit to insert a soapy or lubricated finger into your anus while showering or bathing. You can practice squeezing and releasing your PC muscles at this point as well, and this provides immediate feedback about your level of relaxation.

Let’s Discuss!

What did you learn about taking care of your butt? Do you do kegels regularly? Will you start now?

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7 Responses

    1. It’s pretty damn amazing, for sure! I love sharing this information.

      The book we have scheduled for May is all about orgasms, specifically, so keep an eye out. *smiles*

    1. YES! It’s there as a download link up there, next to MOBI and ePub. *smiles*

      We just recently added the PDF read-online feature, and we haven’t updated all of our books to that format (although we are working on it.)

        1. Could you try again, and make sure you’re logged in?

          This is the older layout, bu you should see: Link to Full Book Download: PDF | ePUB | MOBI somewhere on the page. We’ll update this in the next week or two to the new layout.


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