Dating Kinky Presents: The Big Book of Ass

Dating Kinky Presents: The Big Book of Ass

Big Book of Ass Cover

Is There Such A Thing As Anal Orgasm?



And the best part: Whatever your gender, anal orgasms are possible!

Physically, the anus, perineum (the “taint”), and the rectum are connected to your genitals both directly and indirectly through the pelvic and pudendal nerves, which are generally considered part of your “down there” orgasmic response team.

Take a look at the images for pudendal nerve placement on this page. Note how many of the nerve endings are focused in/around the anus in addition to the genitals. Think about how the pudendal nerve is considered central to orgasm, and you might begin to see the potential pleasure.

The pelvic nerve connects the cervix, uterus, and prostate to the brain, and the hypogastric nerve relates to the vagina, cervix, and rectum. The role of the vagus nerve is less well understood, though research over the past decade has shown that some people even with completely severed spinal cords can still experience orgasm and that the vagus nerve is the pathway.

ALL of these nerve systems interact with the anus.

In vagina-having folk, anal penetration primarily stimulates the erectile tissue in the lower part of the vagina and the g-spot.

In penis-having folk, vigorous perineal stimulation can be felt in the prostate.

Blended Orgasms

Now, while anal-only orgasms are possible, many people will have their first (and often best) anal orgasms as layered or blended orgasms—or in combination with more traditional genital stimulation, such as clitoral, vaginal, or penile.

In fact, often anal is explored with a finger or plug while the primary focus is on traditional PIV, oral, or manual stimulation, and it adds a bit of kick, rocketing the usual orgasm into high-gear by layering the anal pleasure on top.

So, don’t hesitate to stimulate other parts of the body while enjoying anal pleasure.

Let’s Discuss!

HAve you ever had an “analgasm?” Is that a goal for you or your partner?

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7 Responses

    1. It’s pretty damn amazing, for sure! I love sharing this information.

      The book we have scheduled for May is all about orgasms, specifically, so keep an eye out. *smiles*

    1. YES! It’s there as a download link up there, next to MOBI and ePub. *smiles*

      We just recently added the PDF read-online feature, and we haven’t updated all of our books to that format (although we are working on it.)

        1. Could you try again, and make sure you’re logged in?

          This is the older layout, bu you should see: Link to Full Book Download: PDF | ePUB | MOBI somewhere on the page. We’ll update this in the next week or two to the new layout.


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