Alpha Submissive: Yield Your Strength

Alpha Submissive: Yield Your Strength

Take the quiz! See how alpha you are as you start this class.

“You’re not submissive!”

If you’re an alpha submissive, you’ve heard this enough times that you may even be starting to believe them. After all, you’re no doormat, you have standards, and damn it, you know how to run the show.

You just don’t want to.

Class Description:

You know you are submissive. And yet, you are a strong, take-charge kind of guy or girl, which makes some dominants complain of topping-from-the bottom, or claim that you’re not submissive at all. How do you find your submission and yield, when the time is truly right?

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About This Online Class

Dating Kinky is committed to providing a positive, sexy, awesome space for ALL of us to connect and learn and grow and play and…

In that spirit, we encourage discussion and engagement on our blog and especially in our online classes. Please take a moment to read our Community Guidelines, and follow them in your comments and interactions with others.

Thank you!

A Welcome from Nookie (MP3)

Let’s Discuss!

Let’s get to know each other! Introduce yourself and mingle here to meet and greet other students.

Here’s Dating Kinky’s guide to Fabulous Online Introductions, in case you’d like a bit of inspiration—and please do share your quiz results and any thoughts you might have. *smiles*


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