Dating Kinky Presents: The Big Book of Ass

Dating Kinky Presents: The Big Book of Ass

Big Book of Ass Cover

What If It Hurts—A LOT?

So, it didn’t go well this time. You got insertion, but it hurt and you had to stop.

That’s OK. We all have off days.

So sorry I put it in your butt.

Usually when this happens it’s just related to not taking enough time the first few times. And that time may be foreplay and training, building up for days or weeks.

Remember: Go slow. Gradually stretch. Use LOTS of lube.

If you are the receiver, it may help you to relax if you also stimulate your genitals. The pleasure there can actually relax your muscles.

So, why is there pain? The main reason it hurts during anal sex is FEAR!

Truth be told, most people have no problem pooping out larger logs than many cocks. Because that feels natural and they’re relaxed.

When a receiver is afraid (even way down deep inside), their internal sphincter will tighten up and any penetration will cause pain.

Blame will not help. They are not afraid of the giver. Their non-logical animal brain is screaming and there ain’t nothing can be done about that except be patient. Be supportive. Do aftercare and try again another time when your receiver is ready again.

Also, consider taking Learn To Love Anal, whether you are playing together or solo. It’s ALL ABOUT creating pleasure without pain in anal play.

Let’s Discuss!

DO you try moving past pain, when you feel it? If so, what are your favorite tips?

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7 Responses

    1. It’s pretty damn amazing, for sure! I love sharing this information.

      The book we have scheduled for May is all about orgasms, specifically, so keep an eye out. *smiles*

    1. YES! It’s there as a download link up there, next to MOBI and ePub. *smiles*

      We just recently added the PDF read-online feature, and we haven’t updated all of our books to that format (although we are working on it.)

        1. Could you try again, and make sure you’re logged in?

          This is the older layout, bu you should see: Link to Full Book Download: PDF | ePUB | MOBI somewhere on the page. We’ll update this in the next week or two to the new layout.


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